4th of July nails!

hi guys! Happy Fourth of July! I hope your day is filled with a lot of fireworks, food and friends. And nail polish! 

I personally love Fourth of July, even though we don’t celebrate it. Because duh Sweden. But I have family in USA, so I celebrate it by painting my nails. Yay! 

One time I were in USA at Fourth of July, and it was so nice. I wish I could go back.. OH WELL

Here is the mani: 

I did a quite simple mani, because I felt like it. I personally really like this mani. I don’t like red, but it’s fine as long as it’s americaaa.

The polishes I used for this mani are OPI ”romantically involved”, ”angel with a lead foot” and Barry m ”blue grape”.

I used a dotting tool from eBay for my dots and my pure color 10 detail brush from a the stylish nail art shop for the stripes.

Here’s the tutorial:


1. Paint your nails using red white and blue. I painted my pointer red, my middle and pinky blue and my ring finger white.

2. Make white dots in your middle nail using a small dotting tool. I would suggest dipping the dotting tool after each dot to get the most even results. 

3. Make red strupes on your white ring finger nail Using a thin detail brush like I did or a striping brush. 

4. Correct any mistakes using white polish and cover up any red polish that went against your will all over da place. 

5. Apply some shiny magic to seal in your design. 

Simple as that, you’re now done!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, thanks for reading!

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